Board of Directors


Antoine Dijkstra

Independent Non-Executive Director

Antoine Dijkstra started his career at Credit Agricole in Rotterdam, Paris and Frankfurt. Mr. Dijkstra has extensive experience in banking and investment management, with a focus on public sector related entities and financial institutions. He held various board and managing roles within AIG, NIBC (Netherlands), Harcourt Investment Management (Zurich), JPMorgan/Bear Stearns (UK) and Gulf International Bank (Bahrain).

Currently, he is a senior advisor to several companies, a member of the board of trustees of SMU University and a member of the executive committee of Cox School of business in Texas, USA.

Mr. Dijkstra was appointed as independent non-Executive Director of NEPI in 2016 and independent non-Executive Director of NEPI Rockcastle on 15 May 2017.
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